
Power is the new most important thing in baseball:

Power is not something people are born with. In order to gain power it requires a lot of hard work. Baseball fans love guys with power. People love to see homeruns, and coaches like guys who are going to have a lot of RBI's. However, power is not only for hitters, power is very necessary for pitchers as well.

Pitchers need power in both their throwing arm and their legs. To throw a ball with great velocity requires power from the entire body. Pitchers need to train to gain power. As many people say a pitcher with a powerful fastball is simply priceless.
-Long toss every two days(work your way up to 120 yards of throwing distance)
-Long toss with a football(works a different part of your arm and also is heavier than a baseball)
-Band resistance exercises(minaly focus on your internal and external rotation of your shoulder)
-Calf raises
-Leg Press-Leg Extensions
-Core-sit ups, obliques, medicine ball, internal external rotation machine

Power Hitters are college and professional scouts new favorite type of player. Scouts want hitters who are going to be able to drive the ball. They want the hitters who can hit homeruns, extra base hits, and drive in runs. It is difficult to become a power hitter. Power hitters use all of their body when they hit and this is not an easy task to accomplish.
-Legs -Squats, Leg Extensions, Leg Press, Lunges, Calf raises
-Chest- Bench Press, Inclined Bench Press, Declined Press, Flys, Cable Extensions,(do this for 2 weeks then switch) Push ups, Inclined Push ups, Declined Push Ups, Ball Push Ups(do this for two weeks) Hitters do not want too big of a chest because they will have a difficult time have flexibility in their swing.
-Arms- Bicep Curls, 21's, Hammer curls, Reverse Curls, Cable Curls
-Back- Lat Pulls, Lower Back Extensions, Reverse Flys, Lat Pulls, One arm Rows 
-Forearms- Inside curls, Motorcycles, Pronation Supination, Radial and Ulnar deveation Reverse Curls  This will be in a circuit
-Shoulders- Shoulder press, Internal External rotation, front and side dumbbell raises
-Core- sit ups, obliques, medicine ball, internal external rotation machine
-Cable swings
-Tire Swings(Weight bag)
The three most underlooked muscle groups, but, most important muscle groups to have for a hitter are the legs, core, and forearms. These need to be the most heavily concentrated muscles.